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Haunted Hotels

 Stanley Hotel. Located in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, and was the inspiration for the most important work of Stephen King, "The Shining", brought to the big screen by Stanley Kubrick.
Many tenants say they have experienced strange experiences, which find no explanation during his stay.
Objects flying across the room, water faucets that open and close by themselves, cries and voices of invisible children, as well as a strange figure appears scratching the glass windows from the outside, are the stories that repeat guests.

 Gran Hotel Bolivar. This hotel in Lima, Peru, offers not only a break. As a historic site houses five hundred rooms which has seen it all, murder, suicide, freak accident, so many believe that their souls are still hanging around. Many stories are heard from the hotel, but one of the most chilling happened to a security chief who was on a round for the fifth floor, closed to the public when he met an elderly person wearing the uniform of the hotel, so I asked what his name was and what he did there. When told his colleagues were able to confirm that the person you talk to if he had worked at the scene, but died several years ago.

 The Golden Lamb. Eliza Clay is the name of the woman they say appears at the Golden Lamb. She was the daughter of a former owner who died of fever in 1825. Now say it happens when it was his room, why are toys and furniture to move alone, and also heard beating on the walls. Her story is not the only site of Lebanon, Ohio in the U.S., which has opened 200 years, has many more to tell.

 Hotel del Coronado. One of the most popular hotels in San Diego, California. It has magnificent scenery, but the main attraction is the room 3502, where they say strange things happen throughout the day.
Some are related to the death of Kate Morgan, who checked into the hotel under an alias in 1892, being sick and saying he expected his brother physician who never came days after he bought a gun and woke up dead in her room.

 Hotel Le Pavilion. In this place so much going supernatural the hotel hired a consultant of paranormal phenomena, which accounted for up to one hundred different ghosts. Sheets flying for no reason in the middle of the night, items disappearing and appearing in other places, is most common in this place that opened in 1907 the public.

5 Cases of ghosts

On January 11, 2003 appeared in the news media about alleged Valencia strange phenomena occurred in a company in the industrial park "La jute" in the Valencian village of Foios. "Six factory guards leave their job because Foios claim to have seen ghosts".

In 1982 some friends made ​​a ouija board session at a house in Mexico City. From that time all participants faced violent paranormal possessions, appearances and encounters with the unknown entities harassment. Four people died in strange circumstances. Among them was Sophia, wife of Carlos Trejo, the main protagonist of such a baffling story, who from these events are dedicated to investigating paranormal phenomena. 

On November 24, 1992 found the body of a woman near a river. Since then several witnesses claim to have observed the presence of an ethereal woman dressed in white, who was not distinguished feet.

Several workers leaving the National Nuclear Research Institute were able to observe, in the early nineties, what they described as a ghostly procession: beings in white robes who crossed the road with parsimony. Also in the vicinity of the center and at the same time, a driver ran over a "person" dressed in white, stood up instantly and ran into the bush.
The site on which stands the General Archive of the Nation was formerly a prison, where an estimated killed more than 2,300 people. Property watchers say that at night you can hear the groans of the prisoners and shadows are going through the different rooms of the building.

OVNI´s Universe

Alien life will be monitored again by Mountain View-based SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) as it announced that it has raised substantial amount of money to get Allen Telescope Array up and running again. This facility has 42 large dish antennas capable to scan radio signals from just about anywhere including the Universe.
SETI conducted a fundraising known as SETIstars which asking financial aid to the public for the array to be back online. The SETIstars website claims it had collected more than $206,000 from around 2,300 individual donations.

SETI Institute Senior Astronomer Seth Shostak was gratified with the outcome and pointed out that the possibility of extraterrestrials is not limited in the sky as every week there is a new movie regarding aliens.
He states that people are curious with the notion on the existence of extraterrestrials and Science is demonstrating a lot of planets that are habitable.
SETI 300x196 Facility in Searching For Alien Life Will Resume After Getting Substantial DonationsCo-founder of the SETI Institute Tom Pierson believes they will resume their operation in September 2011. SETI has been in partnership with the Radio Astronomy Lab at the University of California in telescope array operation but had been stopped since April 15, 2011. This is because of a funding deficit which forced SETI to stop its radio signal operations.

Chosen by the supernatural:

Are known and admired by millions of people around the world but also share another common factor: they are all protagonists of a paranormal event. experiences involve a complete review of visions of ghosts, premonitions of death, OVNI sightings and alleged contacts with the beyond.
Paul McCartney says he has heard several times to his partner died the legendary John Lennon.
The model Claudia Schiffer had to hire an exorcist to banish the ghosts of his house.
Phil Collis says he feels the spirit of his father at home.
Singer Robbie Williams is a fervent believer in extraterrestrial visitors.
Actor Nicholas Cage saw the appearance of a ghost in the house of his uncle, Francis Ford Coppola.
Wynona Ryder predicts a plane crash.
The death of Julio Cesar was surrounded by strange signals.
The writer Charles Dickens had several premonitions.
Elvis Presley said he saw aOVNI, and many mediums who claim to contact him.

Curses at the Cinema

Film history is also rife with supposed supernatural events. tors, directors and production team members has become countless occasions, witnesses of frightening experiences.

Exorcist: was surrounded by strange deaths and accidents. Coincidence or curse the fact is that while shooting the movie killed the grandfather of the protagonist, and also the brother of Max von Sydow. Moreover, the son of actor suffered an accident Karras ... these misfortunes are compounded several fires and strange disappearances, the devil as shown PAZUZU tape.

The Prophecy: A horror film with the devil as the main Protagonists. Screenwriter and leading actor, shock of lightning, while traveling by private jet, the director of the movie Had an accident she lost consciousness in Which. When the memory recovery the first thing was His Eyes Saw the sign: Ommen. (The original title of the film is The Omen).

The ring 2: a horror movie, also was plagued by strange phenomena. This was acknowledged by the director Hideo Nakata, who explained that the fear he felt his colleagues came to the point that they decided to call a Shinto priest to perform an exorcism.