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Chosen by the supernatural:

Are known and admired by millions of people around the world but also share another common factor: they are all protagonists of a paranormal event. experiences involve a complete review of visions of ghosts, premonitions of death, OVNI sightings and alleged contacts with the beyond.
Paul McCartney says he has heard several times to his partner died the legendary John Lennon.
The model Claudia Schiffer had to hire an exorcist to banish the ghosts of his house.
Phil Collis says he feels the spirit of his father at home.
Singer Robbie Williams is a fervent believer in extraterrestrial visitors.
Actor Nicholas Cage saw the appearance of a ghost in the house of his uncle, Francis Ford Coppola.
Wynona Ryder predicts a plane crash.
The death of Julio Cesar was surrounded by strange signals.
The writer Charles Dickens had several premonitions.
Elvis Presley said he saw aOVNI, and many mediums who claim to contact him.

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